When an ultrasonic pulse enters the body it is reflected from the boundary between different types of tissue. The ease with which an ultrasonic pulse can travel through a material depends on a property of the material called acoustic impedance (Z). This is defined as:
Material | Density kgm-3 |
Speed of sound ms-1 |
Acoustic impedance (kgm-2s-1)x106 |
Air | 1.2 | 330 | 0.000396 |
Water | 1000 | 1450 | 1.5 |
Bone (average) | 1500 | 4000 | 6.00 |
Blood | 1060 | 1570 | 1.59 |
Muscle (average) | 1075 | 1590 | 1.70 |
Soft tissue (average) | 1050 | 1500 | 1.58 |
Fat | 925 | 1450 | 1.38 |
The greater the difference between the acoustic impedances of the two materials at a boundary in the body the greater the amount of reflection – two materials with the same acoustic impedance would give no reflection (or refraction) while two with widely separated values would give much larger reflections.
The ratio of the reflected intensity Ir to the incident intensity (Io) is given by: