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Mine may the question of a fool, but I must ask it nonetheless.
They say, and some know, that the faster you go the slower time runs in your spaceship in relation to Earth time. If this is so (which I believe to be the fact due to certain facts and tests performed by others on this tiny speck) then the slower we go in our spaceship the faster time would run in your spaceship in relation to earth time.
If this too is true!
1. What would happen to the crew of our little spaceship if the spaceship came to a stationary position in relation to all things?
2. If the speed at which an object is traveling governs it time line. Which is true

(Time =motion) or (motion = time)?

For if both are equally dependent on each other then it begs the third question.
3. Which came first time or motion?
For if we can answer this question it ought help with the solution to the question of the Big Bang.
4. Did time allow the Big Bang, did the Big Bang start time or did these two events take place at the same time?
One of these statements must be true, and still again:
5. Is time possible without motion?
6. Is motion possible without time?


Thanks for your interesting question. An impressive one! I will do my best with a simple answer.

First all things are relative so in relation to Earth time if our spaceship is moving at the same speed as the Earth, i.e. its relative velocity compared with the Earth is zero then time will run at the same speed on the space ship as it will on the Earth.

I believe that time started with the Big Bang. Before that there was no time as we know it. In other words as you put it they both began at the same moment (I carefully avoided the use of the word "time" there!).

I think that time is possible without motion. However since motion implies a change of position (i.e a displacement) with time I think that motion is not possible without time.

It follows from this that there can have been no motion without time and so if one came first it must have been time.

© Keith Gibbs