Risk assessments are an attempt to safeguard yourself, your students and the apparatus in any physics experiment. In the assessment of risk in any experiment you should:
(a) try and assess what might reasonably go wrong
(b) how likely it is to go wrong
(b) what the effects would be on teacher, student and equipment if the problem actually occurred
A risk assessment is an important part of your practical lesson and a formal record should always be kept (see risk assessment form).
Having said this one important word in (a) is reasonable. Many experiments can be carried out with virtually no risk and many others the risk of the problem occurring is so low that the risk becomes acceptable. We should not severely limit our practical work. However any experiment which could cause serious injury to staff or students should never be carried out in a school.
The first thing to do is to try and identify the particular hazards in the experiment. These might be electrical, radioactivity, temperature (burns and scalds), high pressure with a chance of an explosion, chemical, light (Sun, UV, laser)
There are then simple physical hazards around a lab – these are usually things that you can trip over. For this reason always store bags and briefcases under the bench and avoid having electrical leads trailing from one bench to another across an open space. If possible do not store heavy or expensive equipment in high cupboards where it could fall out, hit somebody and break.
Be sure that you understand any risks with the use of chemicals in a Physics laboratory. If in doubt consult your colleagues in the Chemistry department for advice on use, storage and treatment in the case of spillage or contact with the body – especially the eyes.