magnetic flux through a coil is altered then an e.m.f. will be generated in the coil. This effect was first
observed and explained by Ampere and Faraday between 1825 and 1831. Faraday discovered that an
e.m.f. could be generated by either:
(a) moving the coil or the source of flux relative to each other
or by
(b) changing the magnitude of the source of magnetic flux in some way.
Note that the
e.m.f. is only produced while the flux is changing.
For example, consider two coils as shown
in Figure 1.
Coil A is connected to a
galvanometer and coil B is connected to a battery and has direct current flowing through it. Coil A is
within the magnetic field produced by B and an e.m.f. can be produced in A by moving the coils
relative to each other or by changing the size of the current in B. This can be done by using the
rheostat R, switching the current on or off, or (c) using an a.c. supply for B.
(An e.m.f. could also
be produced in coil A by replacing coil B with a permanent magnet and moving this relative to
coil A.)
See: Electromagnetic induction