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Our eyes are used to see the world around us
They detect detail and colour
They contain very special sensitive cells to do this
Eyes can also transmit emotions such as interest, happiness, grief, anger, or love
Some animals and insects have very different eyes to humans
We have two eyes to help us judge distances
We have our eyes on the front of our heads - why?


Our eyes have a number of different parts, each of which do different things. The most important parts are:

(a) lens - this makes fine adjustments to the focus of the view that we see

(b) cornea – the transparent part at the front of our eye. This helps to focus the view on our retina. Most of the refraction of the light occurs here.

(c) retina – the part of the eye that is sensitive to light. It is on the retina that the image of the view that we are looking at is focused.

(d) optic nerve - this takes the signals from out retina to our brain so that we can see

(e) muscles – there are two different sets of muscles in your eyes.
(i) One set goes round the lens. These are used in fine focusing of the eye. When these muscles contract they squeeze the lens and so it gets fatter, this enables you to focus on things close to you. When the muscles relax the lens becomes thinner and in this condition you can see distant objects.

Eye muscles and the thickness of the eye lens

For the schoolphysics animation showing the effect of these muscles on the eye lens please click the symbol:

(ii)The ones at the top and bottom and on the two sides of the eye swivel your eye in its socket so that you can look in different directions without turning your head.

(f) iris – this is the coloured part of your eye. If someone has blue eye it is the iris that is blue. This part of the eye controls how much light gets into your eye, it behaves just like the diaphragm in a camera. In bright light the iris expands so that the hole in the middle of it, the pupil, is small and only lets a small amount of light into your eye. In dim light the iris contracts so that the pupil gets bigger allowing more light to get into your eye.

Your eyeballs are about the size of a table-tennis ball and if you look into someone else's eyes you will see that they fit into the head and are protected by the eyebrow above and the cheekbone below.

When your eyes close they are covered by eyelids, and every time you blink the eyelids carry fluid across the front of the eyes and cleans them. Rather like the windscreen washers and wipers in a car

Cameras and eyes – similarities and differences
The size of the pupil changes to let in different amounts of light as does the diaphragm in a camera. However, the eye adjusts automatically unlike some types of camera.

As we have said the muscles round the lens focus the image, not by moving the lens but by squeezing it. Most of the refraction occurs at the cornea, the lens is just for fine adjustment. If you try and look at something very close to your eye you can actually feel the muscles working - you have to strain your eyes.

The retina in the eye does the same type of job as the film in a camera. It is a light sensitive membrane of millions of nerve endings. The main difference is that the image is not permanent as it is on a film. The eye behaves more like a video camera, the retina being like the CCD. However, if you look at a very bright light and then look away you may still see an 'after image 'of the light. The retina is composed of two types of cells, cones that are sensitive to colour and rods that are more sensitive to detail.

Optical illusions
The diagrams below show how we can confuse our eyes. Things are not always what they seem. You can find some more optical illusions in the diagrams section.

Fine detail
The amount of detail that your eye can see depends on a number of things. The brightness of the object that you are looking at, the colour of the surroundings (if you are colour blind), and of course how far away from the object you are.
Actually in quite dim light the pupil of your eye is large and this will help you see detail more clearly.

Judging distance
Having two eyes allows us to judge distances. Each eye sees the view from a slightly different direction and the brain recognizes this. Objects near are shifted compared with ones further away – a phenomenon known as parallax.

The normal eye and correction for long and short sight

Our eyes are amazingly delicate instruments but sometimes they need minor adjustments to help them work properly. The most common defects are those of long and short sight.

A person who has LONG SIGHT can only see things clearly that are far away from them while a person with SHORT SIGHT can only see things clearly that are close to them.

The first two diagrams below show how the eye focuses the image of a near and far object on the retina by squeezing or relaxing the eye lens.

Long sight
The next two diagrams show long sight and its correction with a convex lens. Without correction only distant objects can be correctly focused and so seen clearly.

schoolphysics long sight correction animation

To see an animation of long sight and its correction click on the animation link.

Short sight
The next two diagrams show short sight and its correction with a concave lens. Without correction only near objects can be correctly focused and so seen clearly.

schoolphysics short sight correction animation

To see an animation of short sight and its correction click on the animation link.

When I was talking to my friend Carol she pointed out that people with short sight would not be able to see the stars! The Moon would be visible but fuzzy, but because the stars look so small and relatively faint when seen from the Earth they would become faint and not visible if their light was blurred.

The Blind Spot
Where the optic nerve meets the retina is a spot where there are no retina nerve ends. Any light falling on that spot will not be detected and so it is called the Blind Spot. If so why don't we see a blank area in front of both eyes?
It is actually to do with having two eyes. The blind spot for one eye will not be in the same position as that for the other eye. Even if you close one eye the blind spot is very difficult to detect. The following simple test will find it for you.

Draw a cross and a spot on a piece of paper about 9 cm apart. Hold up the piece of paper so that the spot is in front of your RIGHT eye. Close your LEFT eye and look at the cross with your RIGHT eye. Move the paper towards and away from your eyes. What happens to the DOT?

Depth of focus
If you make a pinhole in a piece of card and look at some small writing through it you will find that it is clearer. This is because you are reducing the area of the eye that you are using and this means that objects will be in focus over a wider range of distance.

Colour blindness

About 14% of males in the UK are colour blind. This means that they cannot see colour as clearly as other people. I am colour blind and have difficulty in seeeing red berries amongst green leaves and reading some signs if they are written in one colour on another coloured background.
I have known someone who was completely colour blind - they saw everything in black and white!
You can test for colour blindness using the Ishihara test cards like the one shown in the picture. I see the number 21 on this which is different from what people with normal colour vision would see.
There appears to be no connection between colour vision and the ability to see detail clearly.
Colour blindness is caused by the cone cells in your retina not working properly.

Further work
Find out and write about one or two the following:
(a) animals and insects eyes
(b) playing sport with only one eye
(c) eye make up
(d) eye protection in work
(e) perspective in art
(f) Braille and problems for the blind
(g) communicating with our eyes

© Keith Gibbs 2020