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14-16 Sample test questions taken from a number of files

1. Comet Shoemaker-Levy broke up as it approached Jupiter. Why?

2. If one unit of electricity (a kilowatt hour) costs 10 p what is the cost of the following:
(a) a 2 kW heater for 4 hours
(b) a 1.5 kW kettle for 6 minutes
(c) a 200 W light bulb for 8 hours

3. If 0.5 metres of constantan wire of a certain thickness has a resistance of 3.0 W what is the resistance of:
(a) 1.0 metre of wire of the same type (b) 1.5 metres of wire of the same type

4. A bar magnet is pushed into a coil as shown in the diagram. The pointer on the meter moves to the right. What is the effect on the reading on the meter if:
(a) the magnet is pulled out of the coil
(b) the magnet is turned the other way round and pushed into the coil
(c) the magnet is turned to face the same direction as at the start and pushed in faster

5. In the diagram of the electron gun what are the parts labelled A, B, C?

6. How much energy is produced in the following cases:
(a) a 100W motor running for 25 s
(b) 1 W heart beating for 1 year
(c) a 200 kW train running for 2 minutes

7. 1 How much energy is given out by a:
(a) 100 W heater on for 30 s SPACE (d)100 W heater on for 5 minutes
(b) 200 W heater on for 30 s SPACE (e)1000W heater on for 2 minutes
(c) 50 W heater on for 180 s SPACE (f) 1.5kW heater on for 90s

8. A 60 kg rugby player running at 7.5 m/s collides head on with a 75 kg opponent running in the opposite direction at 6 m/s. They hold onto each other!
(a) What is the velocity of the two players after the collision?
(b) Use the idea of conservation of momentum to explain you answer.

9. What is the acceleration of the rocket shown in the diagram?

10. Which type of radiation from a radioactive source:
(a) has the greatest range in air;
(b) has a negative charge;
(c) is most deflected by a magnetic field;
(d) will pass through many centimetres of lead;
consists of waves?

11. (a) Draw a graph of resistance against temperature for a thermistor
(b) Draw a graph of resistance against temperature for a light bulb filament

12. The following three diagrams shows three collections of molecules. One is a solid, one a liquid and one a gas. Which is which?

13. What is the mass of the balanced broom shown in the diagram? (take the pull of the Earth on 1 kg to be 10 Newtons)

14. What is meant by:
(a) an isotope
(b) mass number (nucleon number)
(c) atomic number (proton number)
15. What is the relative velocity of the red (dark) car to the green (light) car in diagrams (a) and (b)?


© Keith Gibbs 2007