History of Physics and Astronomy
This version sorts the important
events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in
blue, important people are in
Tamm and Franck Nobel prize for Physics
Tangent galvanometer Pouillet 1837
Tape recorder 1930
Tau lepton -
Martin Perl 1975
Technetium discovered - Segre 1937
Telephone commercial
version invented 1876
Telephone cable - transatlantic 1956
Telephone exchange
first one in London 1879
Telescope Lippershey 1608
Television first experimental
TV service - BBC 1929
Television tube Zworykin 1929
Telstar first
communications satellite launched 1962
Ten - use of the symbol for 10 in Egypt 3400
Thales of Miletus 624-547 BCThe World Set Free
H.G.Wells 1914
Theory of tides - Galileo 1624
Thermionic diode Fleming (first
vacuum tube patented)1904
Thermionic emission theory - Richardson
Thermodynamic temperature scale (?1848)1854
Thermodynamics second
law of thermodynamics Rudolf Clausius 1850
Thermodynamics third law Nernst
Thermodynamics - Third law of thermodynamics 1937
Thermo-electric effect
Peltier 1834
Thermopile Nobili and Melloni 1830
Thomson and Davisson Nobel
prize for Physics 1937
Thomson, J.J 1856-
1940Thomson, J.J Nobel prize for Physics 1906
Thorium discovered
Berzelius (1829?)1828
Three Mile island nuclear power plant accident 1979
variance observed1968
Titanic sunk 1912
Top quark - Fermilab 1994
Toricelli 1608-1647Torsion balance 1770
Tortoise paradox
400 BC
Total solar eclipse observed from parts of Britain 1999
Townes, Prokharov
and Basov Nobel prize for Physics 1964
Traitι de la lumiere published Huygens
wave theory 1690
Transit circle Groombridge mapped 4000 stars 1806
Transit of
Mercury observed by Gassendi. Predicted by Kepler 1631
Transit of Venus first observed
Horrox and Crabtree 1639
Trident automatic landing 1965
Triode Forrest
Tritium discovered Oliphant 1934
Tsiolkovsky rocket
scientist 1957-1935Tsiolkovsky publishes first ideas of space travel
Tu144 flies 1969
Turbine de Laval 1889
Turbine Parsons1884
station opened at Alexandra Palace in north London 1936
TV first regular 405 line TV
broadcasting - BBC 1937
TV colour 1949
TV Early Bird satellite first used for TV
Twenty one cm line hydrogen radio map of the galaxy 1951
Two fluid
theory superfluids Landau 1946
Two types of neutrino - Lederman, Steinberger,
Schwartz 1962
Two wires carrying an electric current attract - Andre Ampere
Tycho 1546-1601Tyre - pneumatic
Dunlop 1888