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History of Physics and Astronomy

This version sorts the important events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.


Schmidt telescope 1930
School of Science founded in Bagdad 800
Schrφdinger 1887- 1961
Sea floor spreading theory proposed 1960
Searle's apparatus for elasticity 1900
Secondary wavelets - Huygens 1678
Seebeck 1770-1831
Seebeck effect - thermocouple 1821
Self inductance - Joseph Henry (paper published)(discovered ?1829)1833
Semiconductor laser 1962
Servomechanisms 1953
Sigma particle 1952
Silicon identified - Jφns Jacob Berzelius 1824
Simple laws of friction - Amontons 1699
Singing flame - Higgins 1777
Slave trade abolished 1807
Slide rule – William Oughtred 1621
Snell 1591-1626
Snell's law 1621
Snell's law published - Descartes 1638
Soddy 1877-1956
Solar batteries 1954
Solar radio emission detected 1942
Solar System includes twelve planets - August 2006
Sommerfield 1868-1951
Somnium – Kepler's science fiction story of mans voyage to the Moon 1634
Sound – speed of sound - Arago 1822
Sound – speed of sound – Kundt's dust tube method 1866
Sound – speed of sound in solids - Biot 1808
Space flight – Sputnik V – 4500 kg – Strlka and Belka recovered alive 1960
Space flight – Titov – 17 orbits 1961
Space flight – chimpanzee in Mercury capsule 1961
Space flight – first manned orbital flight – Yuri Gagarin 1961
Space flight – Mercury 3 – Alan Sheppard 1961
Space flight – Mercury 4 – Gus Grissom 1961
Space flight – Mariner 2 flies close to Venus – surface temperature 700 K 1962
Space flight - Ariel – British satellite 1962
Space flight – Mercury 6 – John Glenn – three orbits 1962
Space flight – Mercury 7 1962
Space flight – Mercury 8 1962
Space flight – Vostok 3 – 64 orbits 1962
Space flight – Vostok 4 – 48 orbits 1962
Space flight – Vostok 5 – 81 orbits 1963
Space flight – Vostok 6 – 48 orbits – Tereschkova – first woman in space 1963
Space flight - Mercury 9 – 22 orbits – final Mercury flight 1963
Space flight – Gemini unmanned test flight 1964
Space flight – Ranger 7 – close up photos of the Moon 1964
Space flight – Voshkod I – 16 orbits of the Earth – three astronauts 1964
Space flight – Voshkod II – seventeen orbits – first space walk 1965
Space flight – Gemini 3 1965
Space flight – Gemini 4 1965
Space flight – Gemini 6 and 7 rendezvous in orbit (206 orbits Gemini 7)1965
Space flight – final Gemini flights – 8,9,10,11,12 1966
Space flight – Lunar Orbiter – view of Earth from the Moon 1966
Space flight – Luna 9 – first soft landing on the Moon 1966
Space flight – Surveyor I – soft landing on the Moon 1966
Space flight - Soyuz I 1967
Space flight - Saturn V – test firing to 11000 miles 1967
Space flight – USSR – link up of two unmanned satellites 1967
Space flight – Venus 4 probe soft landing on Venus 1967
Space flight – first space fatalities one USSR. Three USA 1967
Space flight - Apollo 7 orbits the Earth 1968
Space flight – Apollo 8 – men orbit the Moon 1968
Space flight – Luna 14 into lunar orbit 1968
Space flight – Soyuz 3 1968
Space flight – Zond 5 and 6 – round the Moon and back 1968
Space flight – Apollo 9 1969
Space flight – Apollo 10 1969
Space flight – Apollo 11 – men land on the Moon 1969
Space flight – Apollo 12 1969
Space flight – Mariner photographs Mars 1969
Space flight – rocket USSR 10 million pounds of thrust, explodes on ground 1969
Space flight – Soyuz 4 and 5 – first manned orbital link up 1969
Space flight – Soyuz 6,7 and 8 – first space welding 1969
Space flight - Apollo 13 1970
Space shuttle operational 1982
Spaceflight – Chinese launch manned orbital spacecraft 2003
Spectacles 1350
Spectroscope - Joseph von Fraunhofer 1814
Spectroscope used in a total eclipse of the Sun 1869
Spectrum experiments - Newton 1672
Speed of sound - Mersenne 1636
Spinning Jenny – Hargreaves 1764
Spiral galaxies - William Parsons 1855
Spontaneous disintegration - Soddy 1902
Sputnik I launched 1957
Sputnik II – dog Laika 1957
Star – first one appears 1 billion years
Stark effect 1913
Stark – Nobel prize for Physics 1919
Stars in the Milky Way - Galileo 1610
Stars scattered through space – Thomas Digges 1576
Steady state theory – Hoyle 1949
Steam boat – first successful one made 1802
Stefan 1835-1893
Stefan's Law for Black Body radiation 1879
Stefan-Boltzmann Law 1884
Stellar spectral classification – Henry Draper catalogue published 1924
Stephenson 1781- 1848
Stirling engine patented 1817
Stockton to Darlington railway 1825
Stokes 1819-1903
Stoney 1826-1911
'Strange' particles detected in cosmic ray experiments – named later 1946
Strangeness - Gell-Mann and Nishijima 1953
Sun's motion through space - William Herschel 1782
Sunspots – large magnetic field discovered - Hale 1908
Sunspots discovered – Galileo 1610
Superconductivity – Onnes 1911
Supercooling of water - Gabriel Fahrenheit 1724
Superfluid helium produced 1930
Superfluidity - Kammerlingh Onnes 1908
Superfluidity – Kapitza 1938
Supergravity - Ferrara, Freedman, Nieuwenhuizen 1976
Supernova in Cassiopeia observed by Tycho 1572
Supernova 1604
Superstring theory – Green and Schwarz 1982
Supersymmetry - Wess and Zumino 1973
Synchrocyclotron 1945
Synchrotron – electron synchrotron 1946
Synchrotron – 28 GeV machine at CERN 1960
© Keith Gibbs 2007