History of Physics and Astronomy
This version sorts the important
events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in
blue, important people are in
Lamb shift 1947
Lamb – Nobel prize for
Physics 1955
Lambda 0 discovered 1949
Lambert's cosine law
Landau – Nobel prize for Physics 1962
Laser – ruby invented by Theodore
Maiman 1960
Latent and specific heat - Black 1760
Laue – Nobel Prize for Physics
Lawrence 1901-1958Lawrence – Nobel prize for
Physics 1939
LCD televisions available in Britain 2003
1839-1882Leclanche cell 1865
Lees (Lees disc)1869-1952
disc 1898
Leeuwenhoek - microscopes 1632-1723Leibnitz 1646-1716 Length contraction - George Fitzgerald
Lennard – Nobel prize for Physics 1905
Lenz 1804-
1864Lenz's law 1834
Leonardo da Vinci 1452-
1519Leslie (Leslie's cube)1766-1832Leyden
jar for storage of static electric charge 1745
Light - speed of light – Michelson – rotating
prism 1879
Light – speed of light in water - Michelson 1921
Light – speed of light
measurement – Fizeau – toothed wheel 1849
Light - speed of light measurement –
Foucault – rotating mirror 1850
Light scattering and why the sky is blue - Tyndall and
Rayleigh 1871
Light sensitivity of silver bromide 1826
Lightning experiments -
Franklin 1750
Lightning conductor - Franklin 1753
Linear accelerator
Linear accelerator – 20 GeV opened at Stanford California 1966
Liquefaction of
air - Claude 1902
Liquid drop model of the nucleus – Bohr 1936
Lloyd's mirror
Lorentz 1853-1928
Lorentz and Zeeman - Nobel prize for Physics
Lorentz transformation – first form - Hendrick Lorentz 1895
Lowell – search for
a planet beyond Neptune 1905
Lunar rover vehicle first used on the Moon
Lunik I first artificial planet 1959
Lunik II crashed into the Moon 1959
III – first pictures of the far side of the Moon 1959
Lyman 1874-
1954Lyman series in hydrogen 1906