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History of Physics and Astronomy

This version sorts the important events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.


Kastler – Nobel Prizefor Physics 1966
Kater (Kater's compound pendulum)1777-1835
Kater's pendulum 1817
Kepler 1571-1630
Kepler's laws 1609
Kepler's third law 1618
Kerr 1824- 1907
Kerr effect 1875
Kerr cell 1928
Kinetic theory – Clausius 1857
Kinetic theory of gases – proof of the formula 1860
Kirchhoff 1824-1887
Kirchhoff's Law - heat 1860
Klystron – Varian 1939
Knudsen gauge 1910
Krypton 86 as basic length unit 1960
Kundt 1839-1894
Kzi 0 discovered 1962
© Keith Gibbs 2007