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History of Physics and Astronomy

This version sorts the important events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.


Fahrenheit 1686-1736
Fahrenheit temperature scale 1724
Faraday 1791-1867
Fermat's principle 1657
Fermi 1901-1954
Fermi-Dirac statistics 1926
Fermi – Nobel prize for Physics 1938
Feynmann, Schwinger and Tomaga – Nobel prize for Physics 1965
Fibre optics 1953
Fibre optics – Tyndall 1870
Field ion microscope 1950
First accurate lunar map – Hevelius 1645
First extra solar planet – Mayor and Queloz 1995
First hologram - Leith and Upatnieks 1962
First mechanical programmable calculator - Howard Aiken 1843
First scientific society founded in Naples – Della Porta 1560
First steam piston engine - Newcomen 1690
Fission proposed by Fermi 1934
Fission - Uranium fission – Hahn and Strassman 1938
Fitzgerald 1851- 1901
Fitzgerald contraction 1893
Fizeau 1819- 1896
Force between two charges (law proposed) (see 1766)1771
FORTRAN programming language introduced 1956
Foucault 1819-1868
Foucault pendulum 1851
Frank and Hertz – stationary states in the atom – energy levels 1914
Franck and Hertz – Nobel prize for Physics 1925
Franklin 1706- 1790
Fraunhofer 1787- 1826
Fraunhofer lines 1814-1824
French Revolution 1789
Fresnel 1788-1827
Friction Amontans 1799
Friction law - Coulomb 1779
Frogs legs - Galvani 1786
Fusion suggested as the energy of the stars 1929
© Keith Gibbs 2007