History of Physics and Astronomy
0 AD to 1500 AD
section shows the important events in Physics and Astronomy from 0 AD years until 1500
AD. The names of people are highlighted in
blue, important people
are in
bold blue.
50 Cleomedes studied
70-147 Ptolemy77 Pliny – watching
gladiators through an emerald
662 Arabic numerals in west – Severus Sebockt
School of Science founded in Baghdad
930 –1003 Gerbert - pope
965 -1038 Al Hazan990 Pope Sylvester III labels beads in the
1350 Spectacles
1450 Printing – invention of printing
1452-1519 Leonardo da Vinci1472 Halley's comet observed
– Johannes Regiomontanus
Copernicus1476 Printing press - Caxton