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Equations of motion
Distance travelled s metres (m)
Time taken t seconds (s)
Time taken t seconds (s)
Velocity at the start (initial velocity) u metres/second (m/s)
Velocity at the end (final velocity) v metres/second (m/s)
Acceleration a metres/seconds (m/s2)

1. Motion with constant velocity
Distance (s) = velocity (u or v) x time (t) s = vt
2. Accelerated motion
Acceleration (a) = [change in velocity]/time a = [v-u]/t
Another version: v = u + at
s = ut + ½ at2 v2 = u2 + 2as
Accelerated motion with zero initial velocity s = ½ at2 v2 = 2as
© Keith Gibbs 2009