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Electric motor

When a current flows through the coil there is a force on the coil. The side marked 1 is forced upwards and the side marked 2 is forced downwards. The coil turns in an ANTICLOCKWISE DIRECTION.

To make the motor turn faster we can:
(a) increase the current
(b) use stronger magnets
(c) push the magnets closer to the coil
(d) put an iron centre piece into the coil
(e) adding more sets of coils

Changing the direction the motor turns
If the magnets face the other way the motor will turn in the opposite direction
If the current flows the the way the motor will turn in the opposite direction
If BOTH the direction of the current AND the way the magnets are facing are changed the motor will turn in the SAME direction as the original one
If our simple motor is connected to a.c. it will simply vibrate.

© Keith Gibbs 2009