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History of Physics and Astronomy

This version sorts the important events by name. The lifetimes of people are highlighted in blue, important people are in bold blue.


g – same for lead and wax spheres – Stevin de Groot 1590
g - variation – Richer - pendulums 1672
G – Schiehallion 1774
G - Cavendish experiment 1798
G – Chimborazo in the Andes - Bouguer 1740
G – Boys method 1895
Galaxies shown to exist outside the Milky Way - Hubble 1924
Galaxy - most distance - 13.1 billion light years away 2010
Galilean telescope – first use for astronomy 1609
Galileo 1564-1642
Galileo – "Confession"1633
Galileo studies medicine in Pisa 1581
Galvani 1737- 1798
Galvanometer – moving coil 1836
Gamma rays identified – Villard 1900
Gauss 1777-1855
Gay Lussac – work on Charles' Law 1802
Geiger 1882-1945
Geissler – good vacuum 1854
Gell-Mann – Nobel prize for Physics 1969
Geostationary satellite launched for the first time 1963
Gerbert - pope 930 -1003
Germanium discovered - Clemens Winkler 1886
Gibbs 1839-1903
Gilbert 1544-1603
Glaser – Nobel prize for Physics 1960
Gluons - evidence for in hadron jets - DESY 1979
Goddard 1882-1945
Graham's gas diffusion law 1829
Gramophone invented - Edison 1877
Grand Unified Theory, prediction of proton life - Georgi and Glashow 1974
Gravitation – inverse square law 1839
Gravitational lensing predicted – Oliver Lodge 1919
Gravitational red shift – Pound and Rebka 1960
Greenhouse Effect named 1988
Greenwich 28" refractor completed 1893
Greenwich 28" refractor opened 1894
Greenwich observatory established 1675
Gregorian calendar in Britain 1752
Gregory 1638-1675
Grimaldi 1618-1663
Grove cell 1839
Guericke – air pump 1602- 1686
Guided weapons – Germans experiment with these 1933
Gyroscope - Serson 1744
Gyroscope – Foucault 1852
© Keith Gibbs 2007